Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baby Shower!

Hellooo everyone! WOW it has been insanely long time since my last update on here. Life is crazy! But I've found the time to blog right now, because I want to share with you all a very special day for my family: my sister's baby shower! Her first baby is on the way, and only one more month until I will be an aunt. :)
We threw her a baby shower this past Saturday, and let me tell you... I don't think I've seen a cuter shower. So much fun, so much fun just to look at.
A special thanks to Kim Matranga for opening up her home to host the party. She was amazing! 
And the credit for all of this work goes to my mom, Maureen, and sister Charisse, for planning, organizing, cooking, creating, and putting it all together. The hard work paid off, and it was a day to remember.
Enjoy the cuteness. ;)

The invitations I designed:

So, I spend a long time coming up with a cute idea for wrapping up their gifts. When I finally completed it all, I just had to take a photo of it hehe:

Our good designer friend, Elisabeth, put together this adorable little gift "cake." Amazing! So many creative people involved.

"Baby Blomer is brewing" tea bag favors:"
The bottom of the punch container. Kim's idea was brilliant and so cute:

Woo hoo, the fun part! This fabulous cake was created from scratch by my sister, Charisse Brown (website soon TBA). She did an incredible job with the detail and creativity. The little forest figures matched the characters on the bedding that Christen and Brian chose for the baby's room. It was truly perfect!

The radiant parents-to-be :)

On behalf of my sister, thank you to all who attended. Christen received many beautiful and very useful gifts. Her and Brian will be able to ease into life with a child much easier. You've been a blessing!
Once again, also thank you to everyone who helped prepare for the day.
Now, may God richly bless Brian and Christen as they step into this new chapter of life. :)


  1. I think Chicago Chocolate Fountain needs some new photos...I'll call you when there's room in the budget :)

  2. Amazing! Charity, what a gift you have! And also Charisse!

  3. Charity, you have a very talented family. (Of course you're included in that.) :)

  4. wow im very proud of my sis

  5. Such a great set of detail photos! Love it!

  6. OMG - that cake!!! I want it! What an adorable baby shower - and awesome photos :)


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