Monday, May 9, 2011

Jordyn | Newborn

Hello, all! Its time for me to officially introduce my newborn niece. :)
Here are the photos I promised would be coming!  
This little girl was born on April 25th, 6lbs. 6oz., 20 inches. She's one of the most perfect little babies I've ever known - and I don't intend any bias there. She lOVes sleeping! And for the first time in the two weeks she's been in this world, I heard her cry yesterday. Thats been a huge blessing for my sister and brother-n-law. She's tiny, content, and beautiful! 
Hope these photos make you smile. ;)


  1. The pictures are beautiful, usual. Beautiful subject and talented photographer...a winning combination! :-) Renee'

  2. So beautiful - she is precious!


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