Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Photoshoot! Nat&Rebecca

     When my photography friend Jake Preedin asked me (and two other photographers) to come along for a photoshoot of some friends of ours, I didn't have to be asked twice. I love shooting with Jake, he's great and such a dear friend and brother! Check out his work here. The biggest challenge this day, though, was the weather. It was freeeeeezing cold - so cold my fingers were going numb. If you can imagine, trying to shoot with stiff, freezing bare fingers is not much fun; its too bad shooting with gloves is near impossible. 
    Despite that though, we had a ton of fun together. And I was amazed at how great Natalie and Rebecca were for us. They stuck it out like real champs, baring their arms and shoulders even to pose for our cameras! I don't know how they did it, but I give them props. I am also amazed at great some of these photos turned out, even though I wasn't feeling satisfied at the time. The colors were perfect and the lighting fairly cooperative. Definitely worth it all!

Does it look like its 30 degrees out to you? She's wonderful.

These last two are some of my favorites!
Thank you to Rebecca and Natalie for being so patient with us and stickin it out. And to fellow photographers Jake Preedin, Kerri Carlquist, and Jordan Nott for making it a memorable day! (Also to Shannon for being our assistant.) :)


  1. Charity! I really like your graphic design touches on the first two. :)

  2. Thank you! I had to condense the photos somehow so the post wouldn't be so long, so I figured I'd do it a bit artistically. ;)

  3. Chair you totally rocked it out!!!


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